So we have a new kitten. His name is Lou and he came to join our family for Kelly's birthday. This is really my first time living with a kitten and it's been an adventure.

He likes to sleep a lot but sometimes not as the same hours as the rest of the family. Many a morning we have been woken up before the alarm with a kitten pouncing from place to place on the bed.

He seems to have a fascination with Seymour. Seymour, I think would be happier if he didn't. He gets along with Sparky, although Sparky just gets fed up with him and demands to go outside to escape. Lucy is another story. Lucy has been insistent on letting Lou know who is the queen of this jungle and it is only very recently that peaceful coexistence has broken out.

Anyway that's Lou. Special thanks to Kim for bringing him into our lives.
He is our little love bug! SO adorable and we love him so much (even though he hit me in the eye this morning). Thanks for posting this!